
Accueil / Evènements

GRADE for interventions by Cebam

En collaboration avec Cochrane Belgium, Domus Medica et WOREL

Le 01 décembre 2022

La participation à cette formation fournit une accréditation. 

Public :

– People who want to learn more about the GRADE approach

– People who want to use GRADE in their systematic review or guideline

GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation)

The GRADE approach describes the process of rating the quality of the best available evidence and developing health care recommendations developed by the international GRADE Working Group ( Their aim was to develop a common, transparent and sensible approach to grading the quality (or certainty) of evidence and strength of recommendations in health care. The GRADE approach is now considered standard in guideline development.


We will focus on the GRADE approach for interventions. The course consists of plenary lectures on how to assess the certainty of evidence and how to formulate a recommendation based on an evidence profile. Participants get hands-on experience using small-sized workshops. There will be ample room for questions.

Date: Thursday December 1st, 2022 (9-16.30h CET)
Location: Kop van Kessel-Lo, Leuvensestraat 18, 3000 Leuven. (2nd floor, no elevator. At walking distance from the train station. No parking on site.)
Price: 220 euro
Min-max number participants: 8-20


You can view the program by clicking here. 


016 37 72 73

Kop van Kessel-Lo, Leuvensestraat 18, 3000 Leuven


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