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JBI Systematic Review course 27/02, 20/03 and 21/03 2023


At its core, JBI is concerned with improving health outcomes in communities globally by promoting and supporting the use of the best available evidence to inform decisions made at the point of care.

The JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) is a 3-day program for researchers and clinicians who want to understand the principles of evidence-based healthcare (module 1) or who want to develop, conduct and report systematic reviews in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare (module 3).

By the end of the program participants complete a protocol and are ready to commence their systematic review.

Participants who successfully complete the program can become Certified Reviewers, accredited for a period of two years as authors in the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports (JBISRIR), a refered online journal, the content of which is indexed in Embase, Scopus, Mosby’s Index (Elsevier), CINAHL (EBSCO) and MEDLINE.

Module 1: Introduction to Evidence-based Health Care and the Systematic Review of Evidence (day 1, February 27th) 

Participants develop a comprehensive understanding of the purposes and principles of evidence-based healthcare. They describe and discuss the systematic review process and become familiar with different types of review questions; The start is made of developing a systematic review protocol with the JBI SUMARI software.

Module 3: Systematic Review of Evidence Generated by Qualitative Research, Narrative and Text (day 2, March 20th & day 3, March 21th)

Participants learn about the importance of qualitative research in healthcare, common qualitative research designs such as phenomenology and ethnography, how to critically appraise qualitative research, identify different methods for synthesizing qualitative research and learn when and how to perform a meta-synthesis of qualitative research. Module 1 attendance is a prerequisite for Module 3.

Price: Module 1: €230; 

Module 1+ 3 : €430.

Online course material and access to the SUMARI software during one year are included. By successfully completing module 1 and 3, you will become a JBI accredited reviewer.

Dates: Monday February 27th, Monday March 20th and Tuesday March 21th 2023.

Location: Leuven – Irish College, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven.

Course materials will be sent to you by e-mail a few days before the start of the course.

Participants are requested to bring their own laptop.

Lunch and coffee breaks are included.


Course taught in English; number of participants limited tot 15.


Kapucijnenvoer 7
3000 Leuven

E-mail :
Telephone : 016 37 72 73


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